Friday, February 20, 2009

Bullshit & Bullshit Artists Part 1

Well, it's time..................

I have kept my mouth shut for a LOOOOOOOOONG time. To the point where I would get this pain in my lower left side even. And mama ain't takin' this shit any longer, so here it goes folks.............

Now before you all lose ya fuckin minds, yes i know, you get all ferklemped when I use names. For some reason or another, ya just cringe when ya hear names......ok, so lets see, maybe we could use this "code", something brilliant, something no one would ever could ever possibly crack............I got it..........

Seems Shmandy here is quite the little storyteller, and her latest one went a little something like this.

Recently she took a trip to uuummmm, Shmalifornia, and while on this magical trip, she stayed with a Proffesor Shmarol.

I am so good I scare myself, who will ever be able to crack this code? I should work for the government............

During her stay, Shmandy alleges that Proff. Shmarol did some horrible, we're talking off the wall fukkin' loco shit here people. For this here part, ya'll don't need details for it doesnt matter, because well, at the end of it all, she's full of shit (which is gonna be kinda the theme here for this heffa, so try to follow me......)

While making all these nasty, life altering could-ruin-a-person's-life accusations, she's going to the likes of certain HouseGuests mind you, even going as far as telling a HouseGuest that she adores, that Proff. Shmarol did X, Y & Z

Now imagine this poor HG. She's sittin here thinking she's meeting 2 fans for dinner one night and winds up involved in a Lifetime Movie Network Mini Series.

She has to go to dinner, and everytime Proff Shmarol walks away from the table, has to hear Shmandy whisper "I am so scared of her". Imagine the rock and hard place that HG must have felt like she was in?

Now because this little Shmandy is so cute and cuddly and squishy and gooey fuzzy and warm and (gagging) nice, well hell, of course the HG believes her, why wouldn't she? As far as this HG can see, there's NO reason to lie, what lunatic would make this stuff up, must be true no??

And to boot, this little Shmandy is a kid, a mere 19 year old, and are you ready for it??...............she's disabled. NOW tell me you wouldn't believe her right? Who on earth is gonna look at this poor defenseless little thing and not think she's telling a true story????

I'm hanging my head...............wait for it..............I believed it myself. I did, I faultered momentarily and actually BELIEVED this crock of shit, to the point of questioning my own sanity because I KNEW and LIKED Proff. Shmarol and was pretty sure there was no way in HELL she could have done 1/4 of what I was hearing. I know, I know, I should know better. Just because someone is physically handicapped doesnt automatically ingrain them with some truth syrum that is incapable of lying, but having grown up myself with a disabled father and brother in law, well, I guess my mind works differently and I somehow associated a handicap with honesty. Not so much..............seems sitting down full time gives some people all sorts of free time to make shit up!

Now, as I was saying, this here Shmandy went on a Web Tour, telling everyone & anyone who would listen how she was at the hands of a maniac on her visit. When I first caught wind of it, it was through a kind woman named Shmathy (hey girl) who also in turn agreed with me after discussing this that there was no possible way that Proff. Shmarol had done ANY of the things Shmandy had accused her of.

Oh, did I forget to mention that this ALL came to me because Shmandy herself Friend Requested me on MySpace and after accepting her went on and on thanking me for the add, stating that she loved me and loved the way I "called bullshit" on people when they were being dishonest. Went ON to add that she should have listened to me in my past rants regarding someone nameed, ummmmm, Poppa C (we all know what the C stands for yes? Moving on..................)

She made a point of telling me that she knew I didnt have any fond memories for PoppaC due to that woman's lack of honesty and as I said, she mentioned she should have listened to me yada yada yada.........

I of course had my ears up, antennae signaled, what's this?????? PoppaC behind something dishonest???? I don't believe it.............oh she KNEW where to aim this little Shmandy, she knew that if she went for the PoppaC jugular, mama would bite. She wasn't counting one one thing...............cuntbag or no cuntbag, I don't back up bullshit, and if I am forced to defend someone I loathe, I do. It hurts like a mutha, but it needs to be done and man do I fuckin resent it when I am forced to do so................

I am rambling, as I was saying, Shmandy was counting on me banging the "I Hate PoppaC" drum, and so threw the bait. Told me that she and Proff Shmarol no longer spoke and that it was ALL PoppaC's fault, that because of PoppaC's lying to people on her behalf, she and Proff. Shmarol were no longer friends.

Back to Shmathy. After LONG talks with this fine lady, I got more in depth of the story. Shmandy was claiming that she had NEVER made ANY allegations against Proff Shmarol, it was PoppaC THAT DID! Well lookie was PopppaC that had gone to the aforementioned HG and told her that Shmady had been at the terrible hands of Proff Shmarol.

You with me so far? This fuckin saga goes on for so long, I forgot my damn name. What was it? Fire & & brimstone, ah yes, EA.........

Soooooooo, what do I do? I go to the sources, the first one being Proff Shmarol. I dont sugar coat a damn this by starting with small talk, I come straight out and ASK her if she is aware of the accusations that were being made against her? She was somewhat informed, not completely, but she too was under the impression that it was my beloved PoppaC who was behind it all, and that little itty bitty Shmandy was an innocent party.

Ok, now time to go to source 2, the HG who was told this tale. I ask her, and would you look at this????????? Out of the horses mouth I get to hear it was SHMANDY HERSELF that had told her that Proff Shmarol had done some seriously loco shit. This HG goes on to tell me how helpless she felt, how she didnt know what to do, and that of course she believed Shmandy. No one makes up that kinda stuff..........

Ok, back to Proff Shmarol. I get her, Sandy & I in a 3-way conversation via an email. Shmandy denies left and right to me as clear as day that she EVER told this HG anything, she never made these accusations. Mind you I have already spoken to this HG and know what's what.

So who do I believe? This little soul who's gonna wheel herself right to hell at this rate? Or do I believe the HG that has absolutely NO MOTIVE WHATSOEVER to lie about a shred of this? Do I believe the HG who was put in an awful position and who was used and manipulated so some sick fuckin kid could get some attention and build some twisted bond with an HG? Hard call there................gimme a fuckin break

I guess this here Shmandy didnt think a simple conversation with the HG would do it. I guess she thought in order to feel important, she had to attempt to ruin someone's life for the attention. But wait, this doesnt end here............

Shmandy & Proff Shmarol are FRIENDS. Oh yes, thick as thieves, they are just fine. Probably sippin ice teas now on their webcams. Mind you these 2 were allegedly in the fight of all fights, where one is accusing the other of felonies, and now they are BUDS! Aint that about a bitch?!??!?! Shmandy hauls off to an HG that she is being terrorized by Proff Shmarol, but she leaves out the part that she's all better with her alleged stalker! She forgets to mention to this HG "hey remember that woman I told you about? the one I was afraid for my life with? the one I called the FBI on? Yeah, we're good, how bout that?"

What makes me infuriated is the way she manipulated this HG, the way she tugged at her heartstrings. THIS is the very reason why an HG may not speak to the masses, because of people like this little twat. Some of us forget that HG's aren't some superstar enigmas, they're regular cats, and they can get emotionally manipulated just like any of us. Bravo bitch, you did a good job, and believe me, it won't go unrewarded...................

Imagine that!!!! ALL BETTER!!!! Shmady goes out of her way to make sure the rest of the wide world web thinks she is still afraid of Shmarol, that all of this bullshit was true all along, and all the while the 2 of 'em are just fine swappin recipes on who makes a better fuckloaf...............

Is ya damn head spinning yet???? You were all waiting for me to bang the I Hate PoppaC drum too right? Admit it! I know, I am surprised too! I couldn't be more surprised if I had heard Elvis caught Bigfoot dry humpin' Bin Laden at the Motel 6 last Tuesday night...............

The very fact that I had to learn this HG was lied to about something so serious makes me wanna wring this fuck's neck. How Proff Shmarol doesnt wanna wheel her down the yellow brick road is beyond me, but there's more to that as well, because Shmandy keeps lying and lying and lying and some people fall for it, it cant be helped. It gets to the point that people almost feel GUILTY for not believing a story, THEY start to feel like the assholes if they doubt something coming outta some kid's mouth, and it's sad to watch.............luckily I'm just not that "nice", and I don't give a fuck if you're laid out on a stretcher with only the ability to move your eyes to the left and right for a yes and no answer, if you're lying, I will use the nearest fork to gouge out those eyes............

So it turns out there's no drum to bang bitch, no drum. Don't get me wrong, I still loathe that wretched crotch cricket PoppaC, make no mistake. However, HER lies in all of this, well we will get to that. As usual our ever so pathetically predictable PoppaC, it was just too good to be true to think that she didn't have blood on her hands in this. For a brief shining moment I almost thought I was gonna have to completely defend this fuck. Almost. And I will tell ya, mama broke out into a sweat at the thought of it. Oh the horror..........the humanity.............I cant believe I have to do this, but it has to be done, she was NOT the one to go to the HG and make these accusations. There is it. Oh God, is that blood? I think I just bit my own tongue............this is painful. At any rate, the interesting news is no, no such luck that PoppaC had NO part in this, for as usual, the cuntbag did, but we will get to that later. How long you want this blog to be? We will call that tale Part 2, coming soon to a video store near you........

If you're confused, join me, as am I. I could not BELIEVE this story as it unraveled. The sickness in it alone would make a man with a 13 incher blush. The lenghths this little douchebag Shmandy went to to make up stories for attention is just on levels of disgusting i have never encountered yet.

Oh and if you read my bulletin just moments ago, the LATEST bullshit to come outta this cunt was that Panther had given Michelle from BB Shmandy's new phone number, and that Michelle in turn called Shmandy and cussed her out left and right.

How many are ready for it??????? Yup, Michelle never heard of her, and I just finished speaking to her as she confirmed she has no friggin clue who this girl is and sure as hell never called her.

This fuck will make up just about ANY story in order to somehow link her in some twisted manner to an HG. Its her way of mattering in this world I believe, I am convinced of it. It doesnt matter who she hurts, whether its negative or positive attention, it all boils down to "hey look at me, an HG called me/talked to me/commiserated with me". What a pathetic existence.............

There's more, oh LORD is there more, but that's all my hands can handle for typing right now. I have just had enough, really had enough people. I am sick of the bullshit that comes outta you heffas and anyone that defends them, you're all fucking wackjobs, period. If i hear ONE FRIGGIN WORD of "EA how could you? The girl is in a wheelchair for the love of Moses!" I will cut a heffa...........look at the chaos this fuck has caused sittin down, imagine her straight up! Fuck me.........

What's wrong is wrong. A physical disability doesnt entitle you to be a lying twisted piece of shit little lady. You don't get to wave your Handicapped plates and wheel through on an "You Gotta Believe Me" pass while along you are telling stories so horrible, you could ruin a person's life. That ain't cuttin it you shit, and I have had enough. The very FACT that you could use your disability as some sort of defense is stomach turning. My father never felt the urge to accuse someone of felonies and then point to his legs and say "hey, what can I tell ya, I'm in a a wheelchair, I can do as I please and ya gotta let me or you're the asshole for pointing it out". Yeah ok, fuck you................

As I said, there is so much more to this, and once my hands stop cramping from this fukkin novel, you will hear it. I am done keeping this shit in, I am done watching people lie left and right and use any defense to get outta of it, I am done allowing "NICE" people to get away with "being misunderstood". Did you know nice people get away with that shit???? If they lie, all they gotta do is say they were misunderstood, and BAM, Forgive me Father. Us assholes apparently get no such token, we go straight to hell for daring to call a fuck a fuck............

Well FUCK YOU kiddo, I know what you did last summer :-)

Peace out heffas


Anonymous said...

Wow EA...You have got to be kidding me!! What a MESS!! Darling keep telling it like it is...You know we back you 110% always cause we think alike...tell the truth and don't bullshit. I love you EA...LOVE LOVE!!


EvelAlida said...

Mama, there's so much more, that I gotta keep it going in increments. The shit these people will do and create is off the fuckkin charts, so hell, since they wanna be in the damn spotlight so badly, I will grant them all their wish :-)


Anonymous said...

I for one can NOT believe the BULL SHIT flying here... first of all,the people who stay the FUCK outta it end up being drug in for no apparent reason!!Can u stand this shit? NOT only to being drug into it but being lied on... Sandy i know ur a nosey lil fuck so i know ur reading this and all i have to say to you young lady is this...... when you drag me into this shit then lie on me...... I did NOTHING but talk nice to you, about you etc... i'm the one who basically got you and carol speaking again.. yes folks this heffa goes so far as to lie to people she so called "ADORES" let me just let the cat outta the bag since i have been betrayed and lied on... Sandy and Carol ARE INDEED Speeking... So to the house guests Sandy has lied to here it is in Black and White!!! And Sandy BTW for me giving Michelle ur phone number and her calling you to blast you... I WISH indeed this was true!!! YOU SO DESERVE to be put on blast!! GO FUCK URSELF and STOP lying to the house guesets for ur pathetic attention!!!!!! YOU my dear pit the ick... in... PATHETIC

EvelAlida said...

Oh my little girls is growing up.......

I need a tissue, I have never been prouder............

DAYUM, you pissed PANTHER off?!??!?! LMAO She's MY voice of reason people! She's the one in my ear sayin' "simma down EA, don't go off EA, give it till morning when you're calm EA", and now SHE'S this pissed?!?!?!

Well damn.............mama's work is done here folks


Anonymous said...

Damn baby you better slow down here take it slow with me...trying to catch up!! Make them increments one day at a time...LMAO..muah!!

OH NO...she got Panther pissed...mama on the prowl now...ummmmmmm

EvelAlida said...

I'm taking my time to digest it all, and as I get over the first wave of naseau, I will be blogging more of this circle's bullshit...........

They really outdid themselves this time, to the point of throwing even HG's under the bus, HG's they claim to live for mind you, pathetic.......LOL


Anonymous said...

AHHHH HAHA! This Woman is off the charts! EA says it like it is, thats very respectable! your awsome ea! and i agree 100%!